Energy Policy Directives
Responsible Energy Use
The State of Utah has created statutes to help enforce responsible energy use in its buildings. Our team is dedicated to helping state agencies maximize efficiency and reduce energy consumption in our spaces. Please find the helpful resources below.
Directives focusing on energy efficiency in state facilities were created by the Utah State Legislature in amendments made to UCA §63-9-638 and UCA §63-9-679 during the 2006 General Session. With regard to energy efficiency in state facilities, the Legislature declared in UCA §63-9-63 that it is the policy of the state to:
- Undertake aggressive programs to reduce energy use in state facilities in order to reduce operating costs of the government and to set an example for the public.
- Utilize alternative funding sources and methods of financing to minimize state appropriations.
- Employ private sector management incentive principles.
- Develop incentives to encourage state entities to conserve energy, reduce energy costs and utilize renewable energy sources where practical.
- Procure and use Energy efficient products
Amendments to UCA §63-9-67(2) in 2006 transferred responsibility over SBEEP to DFCM, and directed the division to:
- Develop and administer the state building energy efficiency program, including guidelines and procedures to improve energy efficiency in the maintenance and management of state facilities.
- Provide information and assistance to the state agencies in their efforts to improve energy efficiency.
- Analyze energy consumption by state agencies to identify opportunities for improved energy efficiency.
- Establish an advisory group composed of representatives of state agencies to provide information and assistance in the development and implementation of the state building energy efficiency program.
- Submit to the Governor and to the Capital Facilities and Administrative Services Appropriations Subcommittee an annual report that accomplishes the following:
- Identifies strategies for long-term improvement in energy efficiency.
- Identifies goals for energy conservation for the upcoming year.
- Details energy management programs and strategies that were undertaken in the previous year to improve the energy efficiency of state agencies and the energy savings achieved.
Legislative Authorization
Finally, the Legislature authorized state agencies to enter into an energy savings agreement for a term of up to 20 years under the provisions of UC 63-9-67(4). However, the state agency may enter into an energy savings agreement only if it agrees to:
- Utilize DFCM to oversee the project unless the project is exempt from the division’s oversight or the oversights delegated to the agency.
- Obtain prior approval of the governor or the governor’s designee.
- Provide the office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst with a copy of the proposed agreement before the agency enters into the agreement.
63A-5-701 State Building Energy Efficiency Program opens in a new tab